I am planning to hold a conversation around public art with staff and a director from Tiree Trust, so am thinking around the subject. Why does public art interest me?
- It can add to a sense of place
- It can make connections and provide creative outlets
- I would like to work with people to create something with meaning that they are proud of. (And is beautiful and maybe functional).
What do I want to get out of conversation?
- Engagement in the concept of what public art is
- Ideas for a possible community art project or issue
- Practicing skills eg listening, openness to ideas, recording, contributing clearly and succinctly, providing a framework that invites participation and provides openness and clarity.
- Get feedback on my project idea? ‘Passing Places, Conversation Spaces’
“The expertise of the artist lies in being a non-expert, a provider of frameworks on which experiences can form and sometimes be directed and channeled to generate new insights around a particular issue.”
Pablo Helguera p54 Education for Socially Engaged Art
Discussion ideas
- explain why holding meeting
- meeting is in two halves. talking and making (as an element of exchange)
- look up Roxane's Mirrie Dancers project and show as an example
- Benefits of public art
- What is needed for a good art participation project/key elements of public art
- How to establish objectives
- How do you chose who is involved
- What is the role of artist
- How to involve people who don't consider themselves to be creative (and why seek this?)
- brainstorming - ideas where this could happen on Tiree and who with?
Making glass points to communicate
- Not much time so something simple.
- Technical constraints are no single piece bigger than 2 cm square:
- Something that represents or reflects on what you bring to the Trust, what you find have gained, has it changed how you view Tiree?
- Suggest it is joint piece but can be individual elements of a triptych. If its a three they should hang together somewhere 'public'.
- Define level of imput/what you are asking them to do eg
- I would like you to be responsible for deciding the theme of the piece. I would like you to sketch for 2 mins. Then come back to me to help out with next stage.