Tiree Glass is located in Balinoe in the West end of the Isle of Tiree.
Apologies. Tiree Glass is closed.
To find us take the road that links Balemartine with Heylipol Church. Look for the Tiree Glass sign on your right.
We are located further up the same track as the Campsite. There is parking and room to turn.
Tiree is the outer-most of the Inner Hebrides in Scotland. Situated South of Skye and West of Mull, Tiree is accessible by ferry from Oban or a flight from Glasgow.
Tiree is unique in its mainly flat topography, fabulous white sandy beaches and crofting heritage. Carefully managed grazing maintains a patchwork of rare and diverse plant and bird life as well as growing healthy, quality cattle and sheep. The island’s low lying position, with no other landmass to the West, provides unparalleled sunshine hours and wind conditions.
Tiree has a permanent population of around 650 people and in addition to crofting, attracts a range of people who make their living here. There is a wonderful pottery, a radar station, various cafes, galleries and hotels, boat tours and wind and kite surfing opportunities. The annual Wave Classic wind surfing event in October is renowned for providing world-class conditions. A small fleet of fishing creel boats catch fresh langoustine, lobster and crab.
Summer fun includes Tiree Music Festival in July, traditional dances, the regatta, Tiree agricultural show and endless summer evenings at the beach. There are great rock-hopping, snorkelling and surfing opportunities on the varied and pristine coastline. There are no trees on Tiree but there is no shortage of interesting habitats. Subtle changes in colour, light and migrant species mark the changing seasons.